Digital Artist

Digital art is my passion. I am a web designer for over 15 years. I’ve been lazy on this blog and have not turned it into my own style. Hopefully soon I will have some time to be creative and come up with something dazzling.  I do many templates, banners, logos, 3d gaming accessories such as clothing and jewelry.

Here are a few samples that I made years ago using programs like Poser, VUE, Bryce and Adobe Photoshop.

Birds of Paradise by Rina Santiago

Birds of Paradise by Rina Santiago

Pull created by Rina Santiago

Pull created by Rina Santiago


I just love fresh fruits. Tropical fruits are my favorites, such as papaya, mango, passion fruit, coconut and pineapple. I am lucky that I have a few of these fruits growing in my yard. The mango tree is full and just about ready. (Check out the picture below)

Mango Tree

Mango Tree

Now that I am in my 40’s its all about eating healthy and feeling better. Energy to me is important especially since I lack of it. I am anemic which doesn’t help.  B-12 , Folic Acid, Iron  are some of the vitamins I been taking. Recently I added Raspberry Ketone.  Next is VitaMelts.

Weekend Fun

Great weekend!

Enjoyed the day shopping at the mall with my daughter. Cooked a nice meal for the family.

Saturday  Pork in my homemade sauce with black beans and rice – Puerto Rican style. Delicious!

Sunday –  White chicken breast  with white rice and pink beans.  ( Alfredo for daughter and me)

 I found the funniest item online for sale. Evertone Butt and Thigh Toner and Massager. I just saw the page now and its sold out. LOLI had no idea this thing even existed.

Stuff I recommend:

CD Fall Out Boy – Finally a real rock CD

Dance Song – Daft Punk – Get Lucky

Artist Leon Alegria – I had the pleasure of meeting him and watching him work years ago. He is a fascinating man with great talents.

Wigs – Lauren – Start with episode 1 they are just 10min long each. My favorite episode is season 2 episode 10

2nd Day

I must say writing things down and having goals does make things a bit easier. I feel  obligated to get things done. This way I can look back on how the week started and see how things end.

Well I made a huge mistake. I did go online and sign up for information on online courses. OMG They are driving me nutts!! Why did I put my number on the application? I know now I do not want to go back to college. It wasn’t hard to figure it out after talking for 20 min on the phone about financing for the classes.  At my age I rather save the money for my kids college.

I did find something interesting which are the online courses from the community schools in my county. The class I am interested in starts in June 19th and its for only $105.00. Now that I can afford. I am saving up and hopefully by the end of this week I made some extra side money and can pay for it myself.  Yes, I can ask my hubby but I want this to be about ME.

I have also come to realize my HP camera is not so bad 🙂 Yesterday evening was drizzling and cloudy. But I still went to a local park and had a 30 minute walk. I took my camera and snapped a few pictures.

“A rose must remain with the sun and the rain or its lovely promise won’t come true.” by  Ray Evans





My Goals

CathyMy life has now entered a new stage and its called the 40’s.

In my life there has always been things I wanted to succeed and be able to achieve.
A good wife, mother, a degree ( Achieved Associates Degree with 3.98 in Website Developer plus 1 year in Computer programming), own a home, car and be a role model.

My family is wonderful. My children are now all grown up and are able to take care of themselves. We own a small business which keeps my husband busy. I am always helping them.

However, I feel left behind. There are a few other things I wanted to do in life and never got the chance to start. With a new chapter in my life it is now time to open the doors to the ideas that I have had buried with in me.   To start I am  looking online for a course because I want to write books. Yes!

A cook book in Latin modern meals. Children books which is a series on a magical land featuring Eron. I also would like to write mature romance novels.
Creative writing in something I always have enjoyed. I plan to combine that with my art skills and come up with something that can be enjoyed all around the world.

Things to do :

Start a blog and write everyday in it.  ( May 28th ) Day 1

Sign up for a creative writing class

Photography lessons

Buy a better camera

Wait! I didn’t realize I need money for all this.

Well I will be working on a budget. I guess my goal now is to be able to work without having to spend anything. This means I am off to a good start. The blog is free.

Enjoying life and all it offers.
My husband has this beautiful saying each morning, “Life is good”. It doesn’t matter in what situations we are in. We give thanks to God for everyday giving us life.