

I just love fresh fruits. Tropical fruits are my favorites, such as papaya, mango, passion fruit, coconut and pineapple. I am lucky that I have a few of these fruits growing in my yard. The mango tree is full and just about ready. (Check out the picture below)

Mango Tree

Mango Tree

Now that I am in my 40’s its all about eating healthy and feeling better. Energy to me is important especially since I lack of it. I am anemic which doesn’t help.  B-12 , Folic Acid, Iron  are some of the vitamins I been taking. Recently I added Raspberry Ketone.  Next is VitaMelts.

Weekend Fun

Great weekend!

Enjoyed the day shopping at the mall with my daughter. Cooked a nice meal for the family.

Saturday  Pork in my homemade sauce with black beans and rice – Puerto Rican style. Delicious!

Sunday –  White chicken breast  with white rice and pink beans.  ( Alfredo for daughter and me)

 I found the funniest item online for sale. Evertone Butt and Thigh Toner and Massager. I just saw the page now and its sold out. LOLI had no idea this thing even existed.

Stuff I recommend:

CD Fall Out Boy – Finally a real rock CD

Dance Song – Daft Punk – Get Lucky

Artist Leon Alegria – I had the pleasure of meeting him and watching him work years ago. He is a fascinating man with great talents.

Wigs – Lauren – Start with episode 1 they are just 10min long each. My favorite episode is season 2 episode 10

2nd Day

I must say writing things down and having goals does make things a bit easier. I feel  obligated to get things done. This way I can look back on how the week started and see how things end.

Well I made a huge mistake. I did go online and sign up for information on online courses. OMG They are driving me nutts!! Why did I put my number on the application? I know now I do not want to go back to college. It wasn’t hard to figure it out after talking for 20 min on the phone about financing for the classes.  At my age I rather save the money for my kids college.

I did find something interesting which are the online courses from the community schools in my county. The class I am interested in starts in June 19th and its for only $105.00. Now that I can afford. I am saving up and hopefully by the end of this week I made some extra side money and can pay for it myself.  Yes, I can ask my hubby but I want this to be about ME.

I have also come to realize my HP camera is not so bad 🙂 Yesterday evening was drizzling and cloudy. But I still went to a local park and had a 30 minute walk. I took my camera and snapped a few pictures.

“A rose must remain with the sun and the rain or its lovely promise won’t come true.” by  Ray Evans



